Welcome to hell! :)

We are a system of at least three.

About Us

Hey hello we're the Starblazer system! As of writing, there are fucking eleven of us hi hello

Stella (she/they/kit)

Ladies, gentlemen, and cool people! I'm Stella, the origin of the system and the person who does everything because I'm the only one who can properly front so far.
I'm okay with this arrangement.
I'm sort of the in-between of the three as it stands right now, Apoki is very chaotic, Goldie is very chill, and I kinda just awkwardly sit in the middle. I'm also a writer, gamer, and disgruntled part-time pizza place employee, and my favorite games, in order, are:
1) Chicory: A Colorful Tale
2) Deltarune
3) Celeste
4) Animal Crossing: New Horizons
5) uhhhh Dogworld 2021
I also have an entire page dedicated to my work, maybe you should check it out!
Juuuust maybe! No pressure, no pressure at all!
Signature, when present, is -st
or -stella

Apple!! (she/her)

Okay. Just let me calm down first.
So, funny story, actually. At first, Stella kinda just made me to keep her company because she has no offline friends and we live in a boring dystopia, but uhhhh things sort of evolved past that.
I became self-aware, for one.
But enough about my past, let's talk about me
I'm an anthropomorphic red panda!! I have a netherite katana, dabble in the dark arts, and have a pet fennec in headspace.
I also have a pet fish in the real world named Jackal, and it's my responsibility to pester the ever-loving shit out of Stella to get kit to feed him.
A very fun responsibility, at that.
I... Don't really have anything to promote, at least other than the fact that I simply exist. Nor do I have much of anything else to say here, haha.
My signature is -ap or -apple.

Goldie (Golden, she/it)

Hey, all. I'm Goldie, a fictive of the character from the Animal Crossing franchise, particularly of Stella and Apoki's island, woof. I say "woof" at the end of almost every other sentence I make. Hope it doesn't get annoying...
Anyway, I'm kinda new here, I only fully formed on the second day of this year. I have most of the memories and experiences of the me from the game, but at the same time, I'm... different? Like, Stella jokingly considered me her "wife" as an npc, but now she just sees me as a friend and differentiates me from my origin point, woof.
She's weirdly respectful of us, I think.As for what I have to promote, I'm... not sure. I guess I'll just edit this every time something comes to mind, woof.Anyway, I forgot this, but my signature is -gl or -goldie. It'll be fun to meet you all!

Uhhhhhhhhh,Yeah, so we ran out of elements.
While we deal with that, we are going to just list the four others who we know are around and here
Ezekiel (he/they/ze, -ez): A green bird thing that likes googology for whatever reason. He's cool whenever he shows up, unless he recites the FUCKING VAPOREON COPYPASTA AGAIN
[this is understandable. -ez]
Pizza (they/them, -pz): A fictive of the player character from Chicory: A Colorful Tale. Only one here bothered by missing their home, I think. Don't blame them, it's better than this shithole lmfao
But yeah they're also a sweetie and I love them <3
Volo (he/him, -vl): A fictive of the character from Pokemon Legends: Arceus. More of a memester than Zeke is, known for blasting his battle theme at a high volume. You get the deal. He's the villain, and he loves it.
[https://youtu.be/9iL0WTgaLhs -vl]
case in point.
also funny enough he's the only one here who isn't a lesbian lmao
Artemis (she/her, -ar): A snarky, deadpan-as-fuck blue tiger with like a moon on her cheek known as a Seligre from Deltafauna, another project of mine (collaborative this time lol). She shows up, comments on the situation, and leaves. Chad moves tbh
[thank you. i guess. -ar]
Crystal (they/she/ice, -cr): A glaceon, once Pizza's pokemon and more or less Stella's daughter??????? look plurality is weird as fuck.
Amethyst (she/her, -am): A fictive of the gem from Steven Universe. I swear she's just there in the background all the time haha
Technoblade (he/him, -tb): A factive of the late Minecraft Youtuber of the same name. Looks like a wild boar, a little like his fuckin' minecraft skin. Proof Technoblade never dies.
?? (he/him): a factive of our FUCKING MANAGER from WORK. His personality and mannerisms are pretty close to said manager, but a lil more equal. Maybe.
Nomi (she/her): A fictive of the lil gremlin dog from Dogs in Space. Apple specificaly seems to vibe with her.

(PLC) | TW | TR-FM-QR | AX | EG-WG | SM?-EX | MP-LS | CS-CH

Stella's Works

cw// frequent strong language for this specific page and talk of capitalism

In all honesty, I'm only promoting my work because 1) I like my work and it's cool and shit, and 2) we live in a boring dystopia that requires the average person to get money to pay for things that should be basic human rights, like food, housing, etc. as if you have to be productive all the fucking time to be worth shit, and it'd be nice to eventually get it from doing something I sort of like.Sidenote, Goldie and Apoki also despise capitalism.
I did not expect to go on that tangent but eh whatever idc uh yeah. heres- heres the shit i make

World of a Thousand Worlds: Journey of the Sapphire Starblazer

The crown jewel of my dumb ideas, the WKW:JSS is a needlessly elaborate science fantasy series with cute animals, bright colors, revolutionary themes, and a truckload of horrific violence!
The series "stars" Elliot, some dumbass cat who resembles me in personality a little too close for comfort and a powerful being that can do shit like fly, travel between universes, and not die via natural causes. Elliot travels the multiverse looking for trouble with rulers and people to help save, and is a snarky, sarcastic jackass for the most part because he honestly never really grew up.
character development punches him in the face, I promise.
There are also quite a few other characters, and herds, and settings, all exploring similar themes of queerness and solidarity in the most blatant fucking ways possible, but usually it's just dumb fun when I'm not being absolutely fucking depressing.
The pilot can be read here and the rest of the series can be read when I actually fucking write it.

My art accounts

Furaffinity (some NSFW content)

And more to come!

...Eventually!...That's it, that's the page.


(prone to expansion)

  • Right-wingers (Liberals, conservatives, fascists, and other state and capitalist supporters)

  • Marxist-Leninists (reactionary fucks)

  • Pedophiles, Zoophiles

  • Exclusionists (queer, kin, and plural, including BLERFs and Sysmeds)

  • Minors (ONLY ON NSFW ACCS)